Pride matters a lot to each of us at Project Good Apparel.
We are proud of who we are, who our families are, and of every individual who chooses to live a life of authenticity and love.
While it may not always be June, we firmly believe that Pride, and everything it stands for, should be celebrated year-round. With that in mind, we have carved out a dedicated page on our little corner of the internet to keep the celebration of love going 365 days a year.
We're so incredibly proud of the work we're able to do to help the LGBTQIA+ community and we're excited to keep up the fight all year long.
καὶ τί δὲν κάνατε γιὰ νὰ μὲ θάψετεὅμως ξεχάσατε πὼς ἤμουν σπόρος
Watch Us Bloom
What didn’t you do to bury me
but you forgot I was a seed.
A well-rounded party is made up of all kinds of characters.That's why 'All Adventurers Welcome' celebrates those who choose to live their lives of authenticity and honesty.